Discovering the beauty of Yin Yoga with Sebastian and Murielle
Vegan buckwheat bred with olives and sun-dried tomatos

Healthy vegan butter


Do you love butter?  Then you will love also this.  It is so easy and fast to make, requires only 3 main ingredients and tastes divine.  I was and still am addicted to butter which is main reason why I thought I would never be able to become strict vegan but since I discovered this recipe I have changed my mind. Butter is nothing compared with this! So if you  love butter and want to substitute it with  much more healthier version, try this!


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil in liquid form
  • 60 ml cold pressed extra virgin bio olive oil
  • 1 cup raw unsalted cashews
  • 1/2 teaspoon natural salt
  • pinch of ground turmeric


Trow all ingredients into your blender and blast on high for 1-2 minutes, until smooth and creamy. Transfer the butter ( which will be in liquid form) into a jar and chill in the fridge overnight or at least for few hours to harden. Enjoy!

Kristine Somere
Kristine Somere
Portāla Slow Life dibinātāja. Sertificēta Tibetas Jogas un Yin Yogas skolotāja, kas aizraujas ar dažādiem jogas veidiem, Tibetas Budismu , veselīgu dzīvesveidu un uzturu. Latvijas Jogas Biedrības valdes locekle. Dzīvojusi un mācījusies Londonā, Indijā, Nepālā, ASV un citās pasaules valstīs.

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